Visual Basic Source Code
Visual Basic Source Code.iso
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Text File
318 lines
Begin VB.Form Form1
BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single
ClientHeight = 6015
ClientLeft = 1095
ClientTop = 1560
ClientWidth = 7110
ClipControls = 0 'False
ControlBox = 0 'False
DrawStyle = 5 'Transparent
LinkTopic = "Form1"
MaxButton = 0 'False
MinButton = 0 'False
PaletteMode = 1 'UseZOrder
ScaleHeight = 6015
ScaleWidth = 7110
WindowState = 2 'Maximized
Begin VB.PictureBox Picture1
Appearance = 0 'Flat
BackColor = &H00000000&
ForeColor = &H80000008&
Height = 5655
Left = 0
ScaleHeight = 5625
ScaleWidth = 6825
TabIndex = 0
Top = 0
Width = 6855
Attribute VB_Name = "Form1"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Dim cx As Double
Dim cy As Double
Dim OldCX As Double
Dim OldCY As Double
Dim X() As Double
Dim Y() As Double
Dim BulletsLoose As Integer
Dim da As Double
Dim db As Double
Dim Direction As Double
Dim Speed As Integer
Dim Pie As Double
Dim Forward As Boolean
Dim TurnLeft As Boolean
Dim TurnRight As Boolean
Dim Firing As Boolean
Dim ReallyFiring As Boolean
Dim RefreshWin As Boolean
Dim Radians As Double
Dim Shields As Boolean
Dim Projectile(100) As BulletData
Dim BaseStart As Double
Dim BaseEnd As Double
Private Type BulletData
Active As Boolean
DistanceMoved As Integer
BulletX As Double
BulletY As Double
BulletDirection As Double
End Type
Private Declare Function GetActiveWindow Lib "User32" () As Integer
Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) 'Halt the system for specified Time
Sub DrawShip()
Picture1.ForeColor = RGB(255, 255, 255)
X(1) = (cx + (Sin(Direction)) * 300)
Y(1) = (cy + (Cos(Direction)) * 300)
X(2) = (cx + (Sin(Direction + Degrees(140))) * 300)
Y(2) = (cy + (Cos(Direction + Degrees(140))) * 300)
X(3) = (cx + (Sin(Direction + Degrees(220))) * 300)
Y(3) = (cy + (Cos(Direction + Degrees(220))) * 300)
X(4) = (cx + (Sin(Direction + Degrees(210))) * 320)
Y(4) = (cy + (Cos(Direction + Degrees(210))) * 320)
X(5) = (cx + (Sin(Direction + Degrees(150))) * 320)
Y(5) = (cy + (Cos(Direction + Degrees(150))) * 320)
X(6) = (cx + (Sin(Direction + Degrees(200))) * 330)
Y(6) = (cy + (Cos(Direction + Degrees(200))) * 330)
X(7) = (cx + (Sin(Direction + Degrees(160))) * 330)
Y(7) = (cy + (Cos(Direction + Degrees(160))) * 330)
X(8) = (cx + (Sin(Direction + Degrees(190))) * 340)
Y(8) = (cy + (Cos(Direction + Degrees(190))) * 340)
X(9) = (cx + (Sin(Direction + Degrees(170))) * 340)
Y(9) = (cy + (Cos(Direction + Degrees(170))) * 340)
X(10) = (cx + (Sin(Direction + Degrees(179))) * 350)
Y(10) = (cy + (Cos(Direction + Degrees(179))) * 350)
X(11) = (cx + (Sin(Direction + Degrees(181))) * 350)
Y(11) = (cy + (Cos(Direction + Degrees(181))) * 350)
X(12) = X(2)
Y(12) = Y(2)
X(13) = (cx + (Sin(Direction + Degrees(40))) * 230)
Y(13) = (cy + (Cos(Direction + Degrees(40))) * 230)
X(14) = (cx + (Sin(Direction + Degrees(120))) * 160)
Y(14) = (cy + (Cos(Direction + Degrees(120))) * 160)
X(15) = X(3)
Y(15) = Y(3)
X(16) = (cx + (Sin(Direction + Degrees(320))) * 230)
Y(16) = (cy + (Cos(Direction + Degrees(320))) * 230)
X(17) = (cx + (Sin(Direction + Degrees(240))) * 160)
Y(17) = (cy + (Cos(Direction + Degrees(240))) * 160)
If Shields = True Then Picture1.Circle (cx, cy), 400
Picture1.Line (X(1), Y(1))-(X(14), Y(14))
Picture1.Line (X(17), Y(17))-(X(1), Y(1))
If 360 - UnDegrees(Direction) > 50 Then
BaseStart = Direction + Degrees(50)
BaseStart = Direction + Degrees(50) - Degrees(360)
End If
If 360 - UnDegrees(Direction) > 130 Then
BaseEnd = Direction + Degrees(130)
BaseEnd = Direction + Degrees(130) - Degrees(360)
End If
Picture1.Circle (cx, cy), 300, , BaseStart, BaseEnd
Picture1.Line (X(12), Y(12))-(X(13), Y(13))
Picture1.Line (X(13), Y(13))-(X(14), Y(14))
Picture1.Line (X(15), Y(15))-(X(16), Y(16))
Picture1.Line (X(16), Y(16))-(X(17), Y(17))
If Forward = True Then
Picture1.Line (X(4), Y(4))-(X(5), Y(5))
Picture1.Line (X(6), Y(6))-(X(7), Y(7))
Picture1.Line (X(8), Y(8))-(X(9), Y(9))
Picture1.Line (X(10), Y(10))-(X(11), Y(11))
End If
OldCX = cx
OldCY = cy
End Sub
Sub ClearShip()
Picture1.ForeColor = RGB(0, 0, 0)
Picture1.Line (X(1), Y(1))-(X(14), Y(14))
Picture1.Line (X(17), Y(17))-(X(1), Y(1))
Picture1.Line (X(4), Y(4))-(X(5), Y(5))
Picture1.Line (X(6), Y(6))-(X(7), Y(7))
Picture1.Line (X(8), Y(8))-(X(9), Y(9))
Picture1.Line (X(10), Y(10))-(X(11), Y(11))
Picture1.Line (X(12), Y(12))-(X(13), Y(13))
Picture1.Line (X(13), Y(13))-(X(14), Y(14))
Picture1.Line (X(15), Y(15))-(X(16), Y(16))
Picture1.Line (X(16), Y(16))-(X(17), Y(17))
Picture1.Circle (OldCX, OldCY), 300, , BaseStart, BaseEnd
Picture1.Circle (OldCX, OldCY), 400
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Startup = True
Pie = 3.14159265358979
Radians = (2 * Pie) / 360
Direction = Degrees(180)
Speed = 1
ReDim X(20)
ReDim Y(20)
ReallyFiring = True
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Resize()
Picture1.Width = Form1.Width
Picture1.Height = Form1.Height
cx = Picture1.Width / 2
cy = Picture1.Height / 2
Do Until 1 = 2
If GetActiveWindow <> Form1.hWnd Then
RefreshWin = True
End If
If RefreshWin = True Then
If GetActiveWindow = Form1.hWnd Then
RefreshWin = False
End If
End If
cx = cx + da
cy = cy + db
If TurnLeft = True Then
Direction = Direction + Degrees(5)
End If
If TurnRight = True Then
Direction = Direction - Degrees(5)
End If
If Direction = Degrees(360) Then Direction = Degrees(0)
If Direction < Degrees(0) Then Direction = Degrees(355)
If Forward = True Then
da = da + ((Sin(Direction)) * Speed)
db = db + ((Cos(Direction)) * Speed)
End If
If Firing = True And ReallyFiring = True And Shields = False Then
Dim TempBullet As Integer
'First Bullet
TempBullet = FindFreeBullet
BulletsLoose = BulletsLoose + 1
Projectile(TempBullet).BulletX = X(13)
Projectile(TempBullet).BulletY = Y(13)
Projectile(TempBullet).Active = True
Projectile(TempBullet).BulletDirection = Direction
'Second Bullet
TempBullet = FindFreeBullet
BulletsLoose = BulletsLoose + 1
Projectile(TempBullet).BulletX = X(16)
Projectile(TempBullet).BulletY = Y(16)
Projectile(TempBullet).Active = True
Projectile(TempBullet).BulletDirection = Direction
ReallyFiring = False
End If
If BulletsLoose > 0 Then UpdateBullets
Sleep (10)
End Sub
Private Sub Picture1_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode = vbKeyLeft Then
TurnLeft = True
ElseIf KeyCode = vbKeyRight Then
TurnRight = True
ElseIf KeyCode = vbKeyUp Then
Forward = True
ElseIf KeyCode = vbKeySpace Then
Firing = True
ElseIf KeyCode = vbKeyDown Then
Shields = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Picture1_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode = vbKeyLeft Then
TurnLeft = False
ElseIf KeyCode = vbKeyRight Then
TurnRight = False
ElseIf KeyCode = vbKeyUp Then
Forward = False
ElseIf KeyCode = vbKeySpace Then
ReallyFiring = True
Firing = False
ElseIf KeyCode = vbKeyDown Then
Shields = False
End If
End Sub
Sub CheckWrap()
If cy > Picture1.Height Then
cy = 0
End If
If cy < 0 Then
cy = Picture1.Height
End If
If cx > Picture1.Width Then
cx = 0
End If
If cx < 0 Then
cx = Picture1.Width
End If
End Sub
Function Degrees(Number As Double) As Double
Degrees = (Number * Radians)
End Function
Function UnDegrees(Number As Double) As Double
UnDegrees = (Number / Radians)
End Function
Sub UpdateBullets()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To UBound(Projectile)
If Projectile(i).Active = True Then
If Projectile(i).BulletX > Picture1.Width Or Projectile